Increase Inner Peace & Decrease Mom Guilt

Your Dreams. Realized.


Imagine having inner peace and feeling happy despite all the different aspects of your life that are out of your control. You are pursuing a thriving career full of purpose and a home full of love and connection. You want to be present, grounded, energetic, and calm and set this example for your children. You want to be your cheerleader and let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back.

You value achievement, friendship, health, nature, and learning.

Your dreams include travel to incredible locations, the ability to give back to others, and a long, fulfilling life.

The Non-Stop Guilt

Your inner critic is so loud and has been for a very long time. You react and show up in ways that you regret soon after. Anxiety and worry keep you up at night. You feel so much stress and are overwhelmed with the weight of parenting, marriage, career, and self-care. You constantly ask yourself, “Am I good enough?”. You feel angry and resentful on some days, and your energy transfers to your partner and children. You have massive career dreams, but it feels like you never have enough time. You feel sad and lonely on some days, and you long for the optimism and fun that you felt before you became a working mom.

The Overwhelm

You care about your kids So much. You take in all of their emotions, and their challenges and heartache feel like yours as well. You worry if they are going to be okay…

You desperately want to be calmer and not lose it on your kids, but it is all so much all of the time. The invisible load you carry thinking of their education, social life, activities, mental and physical health, technology use, struggles, fighting, their future, etc., is so heavy.

You are an achiever, and you have huge career goals. You want to make an impact. You feel frustrated because you do not have the time that you want to realize your potential. You are not as successful as you know you could be. You feel exhausted, not good enough, regret, and shame.

My Working Mom Journey

For over 9 years, I struggled with non-stop mom guilt and career guilt. There was a loud referee in my head screaming, “You are not enough!”. From the day that I became a working mom, I felt inadequate as a Mom and longed for the time when I was a confident, kick-ass corporate executive traveling the globe and having fun. One of our daughters has always been strong-willed and spirited. She has struggled with sleep her entire life, and so my husband and I have as well. The emotional pain that I felt missing so much of their lives while working as a corporate executive was the catalyst for me to study the science of happiness, coaching, and well-being at work. I wanted to be that “Happy Tia” again, and I wanted to help others do the same. In 2019, I left my corporate role to launch my first brand, Arrive At Happy. Life and work were integrated better with this change, but the parenting and work challenges did not end. Our daughter continued to have challenges, and we discovered that she was autistic and had a nervous system disability when she was seven. I had always parented the way that my parents raised me. My style was more directive, and I would react and get angry when the kids did not listen. Their dysregulation made me dysregulated, and I was unintentionally putting fuel on the fire and making things much worse. I partnered with an incredible coach on this journey, and she helped me navigate my non-stop inner critic and grow my dream company. I was growing my professional speaking and leadership development business, wrote a best-selling book, and gave a viral TED talk. My work brought me light to helping others.

In the summer of 2021, I was crying on the phone to our autistic parenting coach, asking, “HOW CAN I STAY CALM?”. I shared that my husband is always able to stay calm when the girls are having huge emotions, but it was so hard for me. She responded, “Tia, you need to heal from your childhood.”

For the past four years, I have been on a transformational healing journey, and it has changed me, my family, and my career for the better. I have experienced BodyTalk, EMDR, IFS, Neurofeedback, CBT, and Somatic Experiencing Therapy. My coach introduced me to Buddhist books, and I hired a meditation coach to guide me toward more self-compassion and inner peace. I went from anxious, fearful, reactive, and self-critical to a working mom with self-love, inner peace, and success. You can do it too.

The Calm Working Mom Framework

This is a choice and an investment. Being a part of the collective will allow you to grow in these areas:

HEART: Self-love, investing in family, friendship, and colleague relationships

HAPPY: Being intentional about having a positive and optimistic mindset, using the science of happiness to elevate your behaviors and thinking, mindfulness & always learning

HEAL: Understand and connect with your inner child, learn about your different parts and triggers, and grow your resilience with research-based therapies

HARMONY: Integrate your career and personal life, create boundaries connected to your values, and become a calm mind, body, and spirit

Join the Collective
& Be an Amazing Working Mom

Inner Peace

A knowing that whatever happens, you will be ok. A connection to spirit and humanity.

Thriving Career

Motivation comes from progress in meaningful work. Elevate your productivity, creativity, and success.


Authentic and loving connections with your children and partner. Self-compassion and grace support you.

Healed & Happy

Understand your triggers and what your body is holding. Design a life that reflects how you want to feel.


Join Calm Working Mom Collective Today!

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By joining Calm Working Moms Collective, you will avoid feeling non-stop anxiety, overwhelmed, and feeling alone. You could invest a significant amount of money in coaches, therapists, and classes and still feel unfulfilled, unsuccessful, and self-critical. You could spend a decade or more trying to truly love yourself, heal, and find life-work harmony. Decrease the confrontation that you have with your spouse and children today. When you are not happy and well, your productivity, creativity, and career success suffer. You may have tried different therapies and self-help strategies, you may have read a ton of books, and you may have invested in a variety of wellness products and activities to try to feel happier and balanced. If you do not truly understand the science of happiness and healing, you may live with feelings of shame, regret, and unease throughout your life.

My heartfelt reason for you joining Calm Working Moms Collective is that I want you to know how incredible you truly are. I want you to be surrounded and supported by other amazing working moms. I want you to fulfill your potential, realize your career dreams, and be the exact mom that you want to be. I want you to feel healed, healthy, and happy. I want you to be resilient and set that example for your family, friends, and colleagues. I created this collective because I have learned so much over the past decade, and I want to share it with you. Working moms are stronger together, and the world today needs working moms who are strong and well. I wish that a community like this existed for me, as I have struggled alone for so much of my working mom’s journey. My hope is for each Mom to truly find inner and outer calm, acceptance, peace, and massive success and joy.

About Tia

Tia Graham is a keynote and TED speaker, best-selling author, and expert in well-being and happiness at work. As the founder of Arrive At Happy, her TED talk, “The Simple Secret of Being Happier,” has over 1.3 million views. With certifications in neuroscience, positive psychology, and well-being at work, Tia has over 14 years of leadership experience and is recognized by top media outlets like CNN, Forbes, and Fast Company. Her social media following of 60K+ engages with her insights on happiness and productivity.

A working mom of two daughters, including one with a rare disability, Tia has invested deeply in her family's well-being. Her personal journey has led her through various therapies and self-help practices, shaping her holistic approach to healing and happiness.

Tia is a Certified Chief Happiness Officer and has worked with global companies like American Express and Marriott Hotels to enhance leadership and drive results. Her book, Be a Happy Leader, outlines her 8-step methodology for fostering happiness and growth in business. Previously, Tia led sales and marketing for luxury hotels in the US and Europe. She holds a B.S. in Travel Industry Management from the University of Hawaii.